Saturday, November 22, 2008

On Surgery

So I am getting a major surgery coming up here on Tuesday, November 25.  Yeah, that's right, directly before the the most Turkey-munchingest holiday of them all.  What of it?  

Some odd things happened in preparation for this surgery.  First of all, a little history.  The only "surgery" I have had in my life was having my wisdom teeth surgically removed.  Not exactly life-threatening.  SO I am a total newb in this arena.  Bring on the lions anyway.  

So a lady calls me to get some demographic information as part of my registration.  After getting the standard name, birthday, and social her first question was what religious affiliation I am.  I was a little confused at first but then immediately a light bulb went off and I totally got it.  

They ask you that question but it is what is implied, what they don't say, that is haunting.  They leave a part out.  The absent phrase is, "If you die and a religious representative is needed . . . ."  Of course they don't say that part because it would freak out masses of pre-surgery folk who'd then totally back out.  Docs and hospitals won't get paid, the health care industry would be turned on its ear.  Mass hysteria.   Any-who, I answered the question and went on with the rest of the survey.  Panic.

So that got me to thinking about dying on the table, which would totally suck.  So, hopefully, what I type here counts as my wishes...also, someone would have to see it.  I digress.  

If I die here's what I want to happen:
First the funeral.  In the ground, please.  Unless cremation is cheaper.  I care not what I am wearing.  I want Mazzy Star's "Into Dust" played at the funeral.  

All my stuff:  Goes to Addie and Jon.  My clothes can be donated to Goodwill or similar.  Addie can sell my car.  I still owe on it.  She can do whatever she wants with anything I have with a few exceptions.  My guitar cannot be sold or donated.  My books cannot be sold or donated.  

Who oh who to deliver a eulogy.  I immediately think of Ben Pruett.  Who else knows me well enough and won't be so overwhelmed by sorrow?  Ok, so Ben it is.  I'd like an equal balance of ethos, pathos, and logos.

Invite everyone:  Friends and family.  Exception: If I didn't know them, they are not invited.  That goes for like the younger generation's gfs or bfs.  

I bet I'll make it through just fine.  But just in case the above will cover the big stuff I think.

How morbid.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What some people don't seem to understand about politics

The election is over. Huzzah!

My guy won. Huzzah!

I've read some posts on various sites of people who are obviously ignorant on the process of American politics and protocol.

Hey, idiots, pay attention in civics class. here is a summary.

One user claimed that Obama has already gone back on his word to offer change. Hey, idiot, he doesn't take office until January.

Another user said that Obama is doing nothing to address Israel attacking or being attacked by whomever. Instead, this person stated, he's measuring the drapes. hey, idiot, HE DOESN"T TAKE OFFICE UNTIL JANUARY. Until then it is Bush's job still. Let's see how HE handles it. And if you're angry that nothing has been done yet it is the conservative Republican in the office now that hasn't acted.

Another user pessimistically says "we are so screwed." Hey, idiot, he doesn't take office until January.

By the way, there is no magic wand that comes with the office of the president. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Another user says that democracy is over and socialism has begun in America. I wish it were true. Statements like this are clearly inaccurate. Obviously people making these statements have never learned what socialism really is.

Another user said that corrupt Chicago politics are going to ruin the country. This came from someone no where near the city or state. They cannot offer any examples.

Another user declared "Impeach Obama!" Obviously this person doesn't understand that impeach means to bring charges against. Since Obama doesn't take office until January he cannot be impeached for the office of the president. I guess this person wants a pre-emptive impeachment: how very republican.

Another user claims that Obama denounced the Constitution. hey, idiot, the wording and syntax of the Constitution is arranged as such so it limits not gives rights. But I've only studied the language and linguistics intensely for 6.5 years so what do I know.

Another user compared Obama to Jimmy Carter. Hey, idiot, this is a logical fallacy. If you don't know what that means look it up. More specifically it is called the false analogy with a little bit of ad hominem, straw man, burden of proof, etc, etc.

Another user said that it is the democrats who are making this about race. Hey, idiot, you brought it up.

Another user said that we are no going to turn into a third world country. Hey, idiot, go to a third world country some time and see what it really means.

Another user wanted to know where the line starts for free stuff. Hey, idiot, you're thinking more of communism (an idealized version) than socialism. Read a book.

Are all republicans idiots? Of course not. But the ones on this certain webpage were. If you're so convinced that the country is headed the wrong way with Obama, work for change instead of bitching about it on a website.

For those that claim they know history and are convinced this is the beginning of the end . . . if you know history so well then you should know that the balance of power goes back and forth every 2, 4, 6, 8 years.

Now stop arguing with each other and get on with your lives.